Dear friends the characteristics of the disease in the world love them first, stricken confused that no end. He was busy thinking creature or creation, while he forgot the Essence of the Creator, so that confused her. He is confused with child care, care of the household confused, disoriented care of work. Just got up early in the morning already puzzling over these things. And if he thinks is Allah, then he prayed in the morning, then it will calm down his heart.
Secondly, enslaved busyness. Even if there are people who allotted added from 24 hours to 36 hours, still busy like never subsides. Want to recitations of the Koran as there was no time. Prayer also be delayed, even if implemented will flash in a hurry. While such work does not clear up. Why? Because he was not given guidance by Allah SWT
Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015
Just about love
Sometimes we can't marry the person's we love for lot of reason familiar, economic, culture, rules etc...... But the reality Dunya is like that keep hope duua this true love we feel for each other one day Allah swt will regards us all our tears all our desires all our wishes all our dreams He is the most and unique powerful Lord ALLAHU AKBAR Alhamdulillah but now make you husband happy you wife every good deeds will be regards us in Shaa Allah they are recorded for one 😇 Alhamdulillah respect each other don't cheating us every bad deeds are recorded too for one 👿angel Astaghfirullah please we need to be careful of all our action if you not marry yet please!!!!!! Marry who's you love truly is better always talk with true with our families even they don't like it if we marry for love and religion it will be a happy family if we marry for compromise, arrangements, culture, money etc....... It will be disastrous unhappy family Astaghfirullah without love everything is bad bitter etc..... With love everything is subhanAllah in Shaa Allah Allah swt guide us for the straight way path in Shaa Allah
Oh Allah, teach me to love others just like I love myself, teach me to judge my self like I judge others . And If I have wronged anyone, give me the courage to apologise, and if anyone wronged me, give me the courage to forgive because you have taught me that forgiveness is the highest level of strength and revenge is the highest level of weakness. And I ask you not to forget me in your forgiveness
Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2015
Commands in war
Prophet Muhammad is a good leader on war
Being the leader,
Not a gift, nor a boon
Being the leader
Is taking responsibility
Putting the burden on the shoulders
Which must bear all the ability degan
Being the leader,
Needs to be broad-mindedness, breadth of mind
More look, listen more
So that the load feel lighter
Being the leader,
Need Dlm intelligence gathering power of reason and refinement,
It takes humility and assertiveness behavior
It took a little patience on his way to the great goal,
Need strategy to intensify others at the same time focus on yourself
Be a great leader who,
Make it a gift and grace
The place where you learn, forge hone life wisdom
Being a good leader who was
Make life more meaningful,
Make your day more colorful
Kamis, 20 Agustus 2015
Apalah arti dunia?
sampai kapan akan bermaksiat?
Jiwa kita lemah
badan kita tidak akan mampu menahan asab kubur
Rasulullah bersabda aku tidak pernah melihat yang lebih pedih dari asab kubur
Allah mampu meng azab kamu sekonyong konyong
bila kita sedang berbuat maksiad dan tiba tiba nyawa di cabut?
apakah engkau tidak takut?
Sesungguhnya azab kubur adalah penentu kehidupan kita
apakah setelah meninggal itu adalah peristirahatan terahir?
apakah munkar dan nakir tidak bertanya?
tidak akan dimintai pertanggung jawaban oleh Allah SWT..
Sesunngguh nya kuburan itu adalah persinggahan akherat yang pertama kali
siapa yang selamat dikuburannya maka sesudahnya ia akan lebih mudah
maka siapa yang tidak selamat kesudahan nya akan lebih buruk dari itu
jangan kau anggap remeh
kau kira akan hidup terus
setipa jiwa pasti akan merasakan kematian
sesungguhnya kamu itu akan mati kita akan mati
bila kita terus bermaksiat bagaimana bila malaikat maut datang menjemput?
Di saat kita sedang berbuat maksiat?
Tahukah engkau rasullulah berkata..
Bila orang fasik meninggal didatangi malaikat dengan bentuk yang mengerikan wajah hitam legam, membawa kain kafan dari neraka yang berbau busuk
Dan ia duduk di kepala seraya berkata
Hai jiwa yang buruk keluarlah lalu ia dikelurkan nyawanya
lalu ia keluar bagaikan duri yand dicabut dengan kasar
kita semua ingin meninggal dalam keadaan khusnul khotimah
tidaklah dunia itu nanti
Dunia bukan tempat bersenda gurau
tetapi kita bercocok tanam yang buahnya akan kita ambil di akhirat unia
kesenangan yang menipu
dunia hanya sementara?
apakah hanya karena kita ingin memuaskan hawa nafsu
dan akhirnya akan kita sesali?
bila sehari 24 jam mila hidup di dunia 60 tahun
tahukah satu hari sama dengan 1000 tahun
bila sehari 24 jam hidup kita di dunia hanya 1,5 jam
kita hidup di dunia hanya 1,5 jam
apakah kamu ingin menggadaikan kesenangan dunia utk kehidupan yang abadi?
semoga Allah beri hidayah
tidakkah ingin kau
kesabaran di neraka sudah tidak ada gunanya lagi
Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2015
When the time coming
By Firanda andirja
O servants of Allah ... if ever the world is in your hands, and if all for you, then what is left of you when death had come get?
I wonder with amazement of the world's people ....
And he had been deceived by the days of delights ...
I see you often mention about the world ...
Though often given the world will harden ...
And they rejoice in the life of the world, it's fact of life (compared with) the Hereafter, just pleasure (which is little). (Surah Ar-Ra'du: 26)
👉 By God, it's compared to the Hereafter except as anyone of you to dip his finger into the sea, then look at what was left on his finger if he remove from the sea? "(Muslim no 2868)
Far ..., really far away ..., but both ears have been deaf from hearing the verses ... heart was negligent of advice ...
Remember the time of death .... Fear was you.... when the time of death ......
Not matter how pretty your face is, you will still the food of worms. So set aside your arrogance and remember your grave.
O servants of Allah ... if ever the world is in your hands, and if all for you, then what is left of you when death had come get?
I wonder with amazement of the world's people ....
And he had been deceived by the days of delights ...
I see you often mention about the world ...
Though often given the world will harden ...
And they rejoice in the life of the world, it's fact of life (compared with) the Hereafter, just pleasure (which is little). (Surah Ar-Ra'du: 26)
👉 By God, it's compared to the Hereafter except as anyone of you to dip his finger into the sea, then look at what was left on his finger if he remove from the sea? "(Muslim no 2868)
Far ..., really far away ..., but both ears have been deaf from hearing the verses ... heart was negligent of advice ...
Remember the time of death .... Fear was you.... when the time of death ......
Not matter how pretty your face is, you will still the food of worms. So set aside your arrogance and remember your grave.
Selasa, 11 Agustus 2015
Coming Of The Mahdi
edited from Ustadz Ihsan Tandjung
According to hadith the main sign of the majority of the muslim and the first followers of the forces of Imam Mahdi and the prophet Isa allayhi salam are the following
When will the Imam Mahdi come?
According to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, one sign is the death or killing of a caliph. But now it is no caliphate. In my opinion, the caliph in question is a leader of a Muslim country that is very real. Jamaluddin Muhammad Amin, an Egyptian writer who wrote the book "Age Muslims", interpreting it as the leader of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. If it is true as it is, then it's close.
According to the hadith, the future of Al-Mahdi will appear and in-allegiance by a group of youths in the Kaaba. Ruler of the Arabian Peninsula will immediately send troops to arrest the youths. But the team that will be embedded into the earth by Allah, except for two people.
The two men intentionally saved so that they can tell the public that their friends have sunk to the Earth. As soon as this news broke, all the believers who understand authentic hadiths about the emergence of Al-Mahdi will be aware that the Imam Mahdi has emerged. They will flock to air-allegiance.
The coming of Imam Mahdi when associated with age Muslims?
According to Muhammad Amin Jamaluddin, when he interprets some traditions regarding the age of Jews, Christians, and Muslims, hinted that age is 1500 years Muslims. Now it is 1424 Hijri [this writing in 2003], so stay 76 more years. It has not cut a struggle Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam when in Mecca, which took 13 years. So the life of Muslims live about 63 years. [Means now live about 54 years]
When was the caliphate at the end of time-which according to the hadith will last for 40 years- occurred in peacetime, then the big melee it will happen in less than 23 years into the future is [now means less than 14 years into the future]. The emergence of the caliphate will be preceded by the occurrence of riots and Muslims will be under the command of Imam Mahdi.
The emergence of Imam Mahdi will also be marked by the appearance of a comet. According to what I know of astronomers, the comet will appear in 2022. So that when the Mahdi appears, then the calculation becomes very likely. Or it could be the appearance of Imam Mahdi will actually be faster than that.
What are the special features of the Mahdi?
According to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, his name as the name of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam and his father's name was the same as the name of the father the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. Substandard speech, so that should speak first slapped his thighs. Does that mean he stutter? Wallahu'alam
How old was Imam Mahdi when it appears?
Age Imam Mahdi is the age when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam first fight. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam first fight in the Battle of Badr at the age of 55 years.
Does that mean actually Mahdi already exists?
Yes, there is, but by God is not yet raised. Now we do not know who the Imam Mahdi. And it's not unusual, because he would appear suddenly.
Is not there have been several people who claimed to be Imam Mahdi?
Can not. Imam Mahdi in-allegiance by 313 youths in the Kaaba. The amount is equal to the number of troops when the Battle of Badr. Baiat open even though Imam Mahdi reluctant to be a leader. If there is a claim of Imam Mahdi, then it is nonsense.
Does Imam Mahdi will lead the future Islamic caliphate?
Yes. Before that he will lead the battle to tear down some of the New World Order is. Jabariyan Maalikan undermine the war is intended to embody The Next World Order.
What war is it?
There are four major wars. First, the war against the rulers of the Arabian peninsula. Muslims win. The second is the fight against injustice ruler of Persia, Muslims also win. The next war is against Rum or Europe, and win well. The fourth is a war against the Dajjal and the 70,000 Jewish soldiers
According to hadith the main sign of the majority of the muslim and the first followers of the forces of Imam Mahdi and the prophet Isa allayhi salam are the following
When will the Imam Mahdi come?
According to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, one sign is the death or killing of a caliph. But now it is no caliphate. In my opinion, the caliph in question is a leader of a Muslim country that is very real. Jamaluddin Muhammad Amin, an Egyptian writer who wrote the book "Age Muslims", interpreting it as the leader of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. If it is true as it is, then it's close.
According to the hadith, the future of Al-Mahdi will appear and in-allegiance by a group of youths in the Kaaba. Ruler of the Arabian Peninsula will immediately send troops to arrest the youths. But the team that will be embedded into the earth by Allah, except for two people.
The two men intentionally saved so that they can tell the public that their friends have sunk to the Earth. As soon as this news broke, all the believers who understand authentic hadiths about the emergence of Al-Mahdi will be aware that the Imam Mahdi has emerged. They will flock to air-allegiance.
The coming of Imam Mahdi when associated with age Muslims?
According to Muhammad Amin Jamaluddin, when he interprets some traditions regarding the age of Jews, Christians, and Muslims, hinted that age is 1500 years Muslims. Now it is 1424 Hijri [this writing in 2003], so stay 76 more years. It has not cut a struggle Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam when in Mecca, which took 13 years. So the life of Muslims live about 63 years. [Means now live about 54 years]
When was the caliphate at the end of time-which according to the hadith will last for 40 years- occurred in peacetime, then the big melee it will happen in less than 23 years into the future is [now means less than 14 years into the future]. The emergence of the caliphate will be preceded by the occurrence of riots and Muslims will be under the command of Imam Mahdi.
The emergence of Imam Mahdi will also be marked by the appearance of a comet. According to what I know of astronomers, the comet will appear in 2022. So that when the Mahdi appears, then the calculation becomes very likely. Or it could be the appearance of Imam Mahdi will actually be faster than that.
What are the special features of the Mahdi?
According to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, his name as the name of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam and his father's name was the same as the name of the father the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. Substandard speech, so that should speak first slapped his thighs. Does that mean he stutter? Wallahu'alam
How old was Imam Mahdi when it appears?
Age Imam Mahdi is the age when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam first fight. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam first fight in the Battle of Badr at the age of 55 years.
Does that mean actually Mahdi already exists?
Yes, there is, but by God is not yet raised. Now we do not know who the Imam Mahdi. And it's not unusual, because he would appear suddenly.
Is not there have been several people who claimed to be Imam Mahdi?
Can not. Imam Mahdi in-allegiance by 313 youths in the Kaaba. The amount is equal to the number of troops when the Battle of Badr. Baiat open even though Imam Mahdi reluctant to be a leader. If there is a claim of Imam Mahdi, then it is nonsense.
Does Imam Mahdi will lead the future Islamic caliphate?
Yes. Before that he will lead the battle to tear down some of the New World Order is. Jabariyan Maalikan undermine the war is intended to embody The Next World Order.
What war is it?
There are four major wars. First, the war against the rulers of the Arabian peninsula. Muslims win. The second is the fight against injustice ruler of Persia, Muslims also win. The next war is against Rum or Europe, and win well. The fourth is a war against the Dajjal and the 70,000 Jewish soldiers
What is Dajjal system
Dajjal system is a system of falsehood, as is the case today. People call it the New World Order (New World Order), despite the fact that there is not even order. The so-called human rights defenders precisely the real terrorists. Whereas those accused of terrorism are actually noble person before God.
Whether the system of the Antichrist that is the order of life which is now led by the US?
Yes. That is reflected in the bills of the US dollar. The front of the picture of the first US president, George Washington, and a rear pictorial truncated pyramid. The layout of the pyramid image in the back, as a signal that the US behind other forces. At the pyramid there is a triangle illustrated one eye. On it was written "annuis Coeptis" (hopefully he's happy with this project). "He" in question is The Eye One. Beneath it were the words "Novus Ordo Seclorum" (new world order). That is, the worldwide community project is expected to enter a new world order and receive leadership Eyes One. People who are familiar with the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam will understand that what is meant Si Mata One is the Antichrist.
Dajjal has existed since the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. It is described in a lengthy hadeeth narrated by Imam Muslim from Fatima bint Qais.
There is a wanderer Nashrani stranded on a beach. He fell from his boat and then meets a strange animal. The animals that drove him to a monastery. In the monastery there was a guy stuck. He asked, "Is Tiberia River has dried up? Does appears a man named Muhammad who called the prophet of the end times? Does the man have been expelled by the people in his own country? "
Nashrani nomad was curious. He then traced the Arabian peninsula to find the man in question. He then met the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. She asked him, "Who is the person deprived of it?" The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam stated that he is the Antichrist. However Dajjal will not appear before the Imam Mahdi come out.
Whether the system of the Antichrist that is the order of life which is now led by the US?
Yes. That is reflected in the bills of the US dollar. The front of the picture of the first US president, George Washington, and a rear pictorial truncated pyramid. The layout of the pyramid image in the back, as a signal that the US behind other forces. At the pyramid there is a triangle illustrated one eye. On it was written "annuis Coeptis" (hopefully he's happy with this project). "He" in question is The Eye One. Beneath it were the words "Novus Ordo Seclorum" (new world order). That is, the worldwide community project is expected to enter a new world order and receive leadership Eyes One. People who are familiar with the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam will understand that what is meant Si Mata One is the Antichrist.
Dajjal has existed since the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. It is described in a lengthy hadeeth narrated by Imam Muslim from Fatima bint Qais.
There is a wanderer Nashrani stranded on a beach. He fell from his boat and then meets a strange animal. The animals that drove him to a monastery. In the monastery there was a guy stuck. He asked, "Is Tiberia River has dried up? Does appears a man named Muhammad who called the prophet of the end times? Does the man have been expelled by the people in his own country? "
Nashrani nomad was curious. He then traced the Arabian peninsula to find the man in question. He then met the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. She asked him, "Who is the person deprived of it?" The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam stated that he is the Antichrist. However Dajjal will not appear before the Imam Mahdi come out.
Jumat, 07 Agustus 2015
Selasa, 04 Agustus 2015
Persia cat...
I got beautifupersia cat...
merawat kucing Persia.
1. Dengan bulu yang panjang, kucing Persia harus disikat (disisir) setiap hari.
Ini menjadi perawatan dasar yang harus dilakukan mengingat kucing Persia memiliki kemampuan terbatas untuk merawat bulu mereka sendiri.
Idealnya, bulu kucing Persia harus disisir dengan sisir logam dua kali sehari untuk mencegah kusut dan memastikan bulu mereka tetap bersih dan berkilau.
2. Sebagai perawatan tambahan, seka bulu kucing Persia dengan tisu bayi setiap hari.Tisu bayi ideal digunakan karena selain akan membuat bulu kucing berbau harum, juga tidak akan menyebabkan alergi karena formula tisu bayi yang lembut.
3. Jika bulu kucing Persia sudah terlanjur kusut, hal terbaik yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan meminta bantuan profesional.
Bulu kusut bisa menyakitkan dan membuat kulit mereka tertarik atau bahkan terluka.
4. Banyak kucing Persia memiliki masalah dengan saluran air mata mereka.
Kucing dengan masalah ini cenderung banyak mengeluarkan air mata.
Jika ini yang terjadi, pastikan untuk membeli tisu mata yang sesuai untuk membersihkan mata dan daerah hidung kucing Persia Anda.
Hidung yang jarang dibersihkan bisa saja tersumbat sehingga kucing menjadi kesulitan bernapas.
5. Beri makan kucing Persia dengan makanan yang dikhususkan atau cocok untuk jenis kucing ini.
Makanan harus mengandung semua nutrisi yang diperlukan agar kucing Anda selalu berada dalam kondisi prima, penuh energi, serta bulu yang tumbuh indah dan mengkilap.
6. Pastikan Anda memiliki cukup waktu setiap hari untuk bermain dengan kucing Persia Anda.
Berikan berbagai mainan yang disukainya. Kucing jenis ini umumnya dipelihara di dalam rumah.
Bermain bersama akan membuatnya tetap aktif dan tidak jemu.
7. Kucing Persia adalah jenis kucing pemilih. Tempat pembuangan kotoran mereka harus dibersihkan setiap hari.
Mereka menyukai tinggal di tempat yang bersih dan nyaman.
8. Jika memungkinkan beri jendela kecil atau ruang kosong di sekitar jendela rumah agar kucing Persia dapat berjemur.
Berjemur bisa membantu menjaga kesehatan mereka.
9. Kucing Persia dapat hidup selama 20 tahun. Ini berarti memelihara kucing Persia membutuhkan komitmen jangka panjang.[
Senin, 03 Agustus 2015
Just wanna say thanks for inspired me
Its always nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice... The external beauty of the young will end with old age,
but the beauty of character will keep you beautiful even with old age Be content with that which ALLAH has decreed for you, and you will be the richest of people
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