edited from Ustadz Ihsan Tandjung
According to hadith the main sign of the majority of the muslim and the first followers of the forces of Imam Mahdi and the prophet Isa allayhi salam are the following
When will the Imam Mahdi come?
According to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, one sign is the death or killing of a caliph. But now it is no caliphate. In my opinion, the caliph in question is a leader of a Muslim country that is very real. Jamaluddin Muhammad Amin, an Egyptian writer who wrote the book "Age Muslims", interpreting it as the leader of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. If it is true as it is, then it's close.
According to the hadith, the future of Al-Mahdi will appear and in-allegiance by a group of youths in the Kaaba. Ruler of the Arabian Peninsula will immediately send troops to arrest the youths. But the team that will be embedded into the earth by Allah, except for two people.
The two men intentionally saved so that they can tell the public that their friends have sunk to the Earth. As soon as this news broke, all the believers who understand authentic hadiths about the emergence of Al-Mahdi will be aware that the Imam Mahdi has emerged. They will flock to air-allegiance.
The coming of Imam Mahdi when associated with age Muslims?
According to Muhammad Amin Jamaluddin, when he interprets some traditions regarding the age of Jews, Christians, and Muslims, hinted that age is 1500 years Muslims. Now it is 1424 Hijri [this writing in 2003], so stay 76 more years. It has not cut a struggle Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam when in Mecca, which took 13 years. So the life of Muslims live about 63 years. [Means now live about 54 years]
When was the caliphate at the end of time-which according to the hadith will last for 40 years- occurred in peacetime, then the big melee it will happen in less than 23 years into the future is [now means less than 14 years into the future]. The emergence of the caliphate will be preceded by the occurrence of riots and Muslims will be under the command of Imam Mahdi.
The emergence of Imam Mahdi will also be marked by the appearance of a comet. According to what I know of astronomers, the comet will appear in 2022. So that when the Mahdi appears, then the calculation becomes very likely. Or it could be the appearance of Imam Mahdi will actually be faster than that.
What are the special features of the Mahdi?
According to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, his name as the name of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam and his father's name was the same as the name of the father the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. Substandard speech, so that should speak first slapped his thighs. Does that mean he stutter? Wallahu'alam
How old was Imam Mahdi when it appears?
Age Imam Mahdi is the age when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam first fight. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam first fight in the Battle of Badr at the age of 55 years.
Does that mean actually Mahdi already exists?
Yes, there is, but by God is not yet raised. Now we do not know who the Imam Mahdi. And it's not unusual, because he would appear suddenly.
Is not there have been several people who claimed to be Imam Mahdi?
Can not. Imam Mahdi in-allegiance by 313 youths in the Kaaba. The amount is equal to the number of troops when the Battle of Badr. Baiat open even though Imam Mahdi reluctant to be a leader. If there is a claim of Imam Mahdi, then it is nonsense.
Does Imam Mahdi will lead the future Islamic caliphate?
Yes. Before that he will lead the battle to tear down some of the New World Order is. Jabariyan Maalikan undermine the war is intended to embody The Next World Order.
What war is it?

There are four major wars. First, the war against the rulers of the Arabian peninsula. Muslims win. The second is the fight against injustice ruler of Persia, Muslims also win. The next war is against Rum or Europe, and win well. The fourth is a war against the Dajjal and the 70,000 Jewish soldiers