Kamis, 10 September 2015
Rabu, 09 September 2015
Place the come of DAJJAL
By Qosim Ibn ‘Aly
Dajjal will come out of the east, from Khurasan, from village Yahudiyyah Ashbahan city. Then wander into selurah corners of the earth. Then no one country that is not entered except Makkah and Medina, because the holy city is always guarded by angels. Fatima bint Qais in the previous hadith mentioned that the Prophet said about the Dajjal, "means:
Know that he is in the sea Sham or Yemen sea. Oh no, even he shall come from the east. What was from the east? What was from the east ... And he gestured with his hands pointing to the east. "[Sahih Muslim 18: 83]
Abubakar narrated from Ash-Siddiq radi 'anhu, he said: the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said to us. "Meaning: The Dajjal will come out of the earth in the east called Khurasan. "[Jami 'Tirmidhi with Syarahnya Tuhfatul Ahwadzi, Chapter Maa Saa-a min Aina Yakhruju Ad-Dajjal 6: 495. Al-Albani said," Sahih. "Vide: Sahih Al-Jami 'al-Sha-ghir 3: 150, hadith number 3398]
Anas Radhiyalahu 'anhu, he said: the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said. "Meaning: The Dajjal will come out of the village Yahudiyyah Ashbahan city together seventy thousand people Ashbahan. "[Al-Fathur Musnad Ahmad Rabbani tartib 24: 73. Ibn Hajar said," Sahih. "Check: Fath al-Bari 13: 328).
Ibn Hajar said, "As to the place from which it came out? Then surely he will come out of the eastern region. "(Fath al-Bari 13: 91)] Ibn Kathir said," Then the Dajjal will begin to emerge from Ashbahan, from a village called Al Yahudiyyah. "[An-Nihayah fil Ma Fitan wal-lahim 1: 128 with tahqiq DR. Taha Zaini] ---- On one side of the Muslims Ahlussunnah believe that before the end will appear imam mahdi, on the other hand people are also waiting for the emergence of Shi'ite imam mahdi version of their lost more than 1200 years ago which is an imam to 12 and will come out of a place (a cave) if no one named sirdab (to mr.shiaah please correction)

People today wait for Shiite imam mahdi arrival of the mouth of the cave, calling the name of the priest. If we associate Khabar prophet above about Dajjal with anticipation upon arrival orang2x Shiite imam, then the ANA thought at the time of the advent of Antichrist in the land of Iran, the Shiite 2x think that he is the imam mahdi who have been waiting for
Again if we associate with Shia aqidah which equalizes their priests to God, it turns out dajjal in another hadith also claimed to be God. Also one of the Shi'ite belief that the imam mahdi would turn enemies temple ahlu their version to account for their actions, this is similar to the News of the prophet that says that Antichrist can revive the dead. From the above analysis it could be that 70,000 people accompanying Dajjal is Shia people who turned out very similar to the Jewish religion. Which makes ana surprised that it turned iran has village of Jews. My knowledge none predominantly Muslim country has a Jewish settlement. But iran are touting touted as an enemy of the Jews turned out to save "virus" in itself. Ana even seen video from youtube showing Iranian president Ahmadinejad was present at a meeting of Jewish rabbis, look there he did "kissing" with the people namely the Jews. In every prayer we in sunnah for refuge from four things, one of which is of slander Dajjal, this shows us that this Antichrist awesome slander. And on this day we have seen with our eyes so awesome Shiite propaganda that so many Muslims are fooled. Not a bit of this forum we read orang2x formerly Shia sunni now. And quite possibly one of the Dajjal slander are Shiite propaganda today. THEREFORE, WE PROTECT May Allah, FAMILY AND WE OF SLANDEROUS Shiite teman2 DAJJAL ... LAKNATULLOH peace be ... ..AMIN YES Robbal ALAMIN. Al-Fatihah

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