1) Get the curse of Allah and His Prophet
2) shunned and ostracized by the community
3) nasab become unclear
4) Children adultery results can not dinasabkan to his father
5) Children are not entitled to the proceeds of adultery heritage
The act of approaching adultery:
1. ikhtilath, namely the mixing of men and women in somewhere. ikhtilath common example is in the classroom, where men and women mix, free chat and see each other.
2. Seclusion, that being alone between men and women are not mahram somewhere.
And word of his accompanied mahram." (Mutafaqqun'alaihi)
3. tabarruj, which appeared jewelery and everything can invite lust of men, according to Az-Zajjaj Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn As-Sirri. In another definition, namely tabarruj jewelry appeared to men who are not mahramas well: "Let one of you (men) bersepi-deserted (seclusion) with malainkan woman must be (Ajnabi). Simply put, preening to attract the opposite sex who is not her husband or a mahram.
In the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah, the Messenger of Allah said: "There are two classes of inhabitants of hell are not I see today. Of the people who shared their whip-whip-like cows used to hit people. Their women are dressed but naked, styled their shoulders and turn away from the truth. Their heads like a camel's hump thin, they do not go to heaven and did not smell it. Though it smells wafted from the distance of the trip so and so. "(Muslim)
4. Khuthwah, which stepped into immoral place.
5. At-tamanniy and late-natzor, namely menghayal or looking at something that can cause impotence.
6. As-sam'u, namely hear something that causes the emergence of lust. including listening lagu2 love that can make melayang2 mind.
7. Al-kalam Al-faahisy, namely talk dirty / nasty.
8. Al-qublah, the contact between men and women are not mahram.
There is a hadeeth reads: "Pierced man of you in his head with a needle of iron, it is better than touching a woman who is not lawful for him." (HR. Ath-Thabrani)
Or hadith which reads: "Better hold hot embers from the touching women who are not mahram."
9. Al-lams, which touched with the hand that also means jima '(Tafsir Ibn Kathir Surah An-Nisa').
10. Women who go it alone without a mahram, because it may cause fitnah and many mudhorot.
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